Thursday, February 5, 2009

Integrity Part 2

Yesterday we started talking about integrity. We addressed the issue of integrity in our homes and with our families. Today we will address the spillover of our home lives to the marketplace.

I believe that Integrity is paramont in the marketplace today. Just as we discussed yesterday with the climate of todays business world our clients are looking for advisors that have everyones best interest in mind. I had a friend ask me one time how would I answer if a client ask me how much I earned from selling the life policy. I told my friend that I tell them to the penny what I earned on the sale. He was taken back by my response. I told him if I am truly doing what is best for my client then it makes no difference what I make because it is a win win situation. The client is taken care of and so am I. I will have to admit I had a client question me about why my commission was so much. I simply ask him if he thought his life was important. Of course he said yes. I told him that the life company thought that it was important too and that is why they compensate me the way they to do...Because everyone involved knows how important my job is and how important it is to do it right. The other thing is that it keeps agents from rushing off to make the next sale so we can earn a living. It allows us to give each client the attention they deserve. I know that was a long and drawn out answer but my point is when you are doing things the right way you should have nothing to hide.

Simplly put when we are boing business in a way that it a win win then we have nothing to hide. If you feel guilty or feel like you are making an unfair commission then YOU NEED A CHECK UP FROM THE NECK UP!!! You either believe in the value of your product or service or you dont!

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